Friday, November 9, 2012


Lets fast forward two weeks....Beep...Beep... Beep...Beep  ( that was the sound of me hitting the fast forward button)
Our brother in the Lord Mr. Alexi was also on his own adventure in the Ukraine while we were there, and came back a few weeks later and was sharing with the congregation what he did while he was overseas. 

So while he was sharing his stories, I was sitting in our normal seat toward the back of the congregation and I again heard God saying, it is time for you and Danny to adopt.  I looked up and said Adopt, wow!  So after service I met Mr. Alexi outside and asked him about the Ukraine and if they would allow an American to adopt, he said yes.. so of course I was so excited in my head I could hardly contain myself.. I needed to share this with someone... so I turned around and their stood one of our sisters in the Lord Michelle, I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going out to dinner with her family, so I invited myself of course!  Just so you know, it is not normal for me to invite my family to another family’s dinner, but I was so excited and I felt like I needed to share with her.... Off we went, after we ordered our dinner I said Michelle, God spoke to me and you are not going to believe what he said, he told me it was time for Danny and I to adopt.... WOW she was so happy ( side note, I did not yet share this with my husband who was sitting across from us with her husband Alex) She said Danielle I can't believe this, God spoke to me as well while Mr. Alexi was sharing, and told me that Mr. Alexi's ministry is important and she needs to serve it... We both thought isn't amazing how he has brought us together...
So we talked about all the great things we can do, and we dreamt about maybe going to the Ukraine next year and helping to build an orphanage or maybe helping to build a covering for the adult home so the residence don’t have to walk through the harsh elements during winter to get to their "cafeteria".  There are so many things to do and God might be calling us to help do them.....  I told her there is one other thing; he said it was a sibling group we would be adopting, not just one.....  WOWOOWOW I did not know what that meant but I was open to whatever direction he was going to bring us.  

We finished dinner and planned on meeting with Mr. Alexi and his wife Svetlana to try and figure out what comes next....
To find out more about Mr. Alexi's ministry follow this link

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