On that following Monday, Danny was at work and turned on a Christian radio station he listens to all the time, and on the radio that day were 5 men talking about their wonderful experience they had ADOPTING FROM THE UKRAINE AND HOW MEN SHOULD LISTEN BECAUSE IT IS A BLESSING FOR BOTH YOU AND THE CHILDREN....BINGO...FLAGS FLYING......God has spoken directly to my husband loud and clear.... And fast, its only been 3 days. Danny immediately knew it was God. Later that day he told me what happened, I may have giggled a bit... and immediately knew that what God told me was real..and he confirmed it by directing my husband yo do the same.
we are being called to adopt. I asked my husband the next day because he actually did not say yes to me yet, so I needed to hear yes so I could start moving on this.. I got a yes... a great big... YES- LETS DO THIS!
God is so amazing, his plans are so wonderful. For him to be choosing us is so humbling. Thank u God.
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